BLUTHUND - StromGitarrenWutRap

Bluthund - StromGitarrenWutRap

5 songs
12:59 minutes
***** ***
Odyssey Music


Maybe someone still remembers Bloodhound Gang, a band that at the turn of the millennium appealed with their provocative attitude and their back then fashionable rapcore mostly to the kiddies. This band is no more, but instead we have now Bluthund, a band with German lyrics who also combine hip hop with heavy music, although it seems to me that they are taking things even further than Bloodhound Gang. The four musicians wear masks like Pussy Riot, and make a secret of their origins. Maybe they are from Bielefeld, a town that according to a conspiracy theory doesn’t really exist ,which would solve the puzzle once and for all.

The first EP of this still young band is titled StromGitarrenWutRap, which explains already more or less what to expect from the five songs respectively thirteen minutes. It seems obvious that the musicians have listened to a lot of Antilopengang, as show the hip hop elements on songs like Bye Bye Irokesengang (maybe a nod to said band?), Halt die Dresse Ja!!! and Scheißwut. The heavier sounds remind me more of hardcore bands, especially the screaming vocals. More electronic but still brutal is Soldatinnen und Soldaten which is a reckoning with the "Bundeswehr", so maybe Bluthund are Germans after all. The EP ends with the electronic Wir fackeln alles ab, where they are joined by The toten Crackhuren im Kofferraum, an all-female electro pop punk band who adds something truly special to the song. The lyrics are angry and yet the band skilfully avoids using politically incorrect contents.

StromGitarrenWutRap is a very short and entertaining affair. The band has recorded already more material, and you can even watch six videos on YouTube. They are currently working on a first longplayer which is scheduled to be released in mid-2021, and also on first live shows, as soon as the pandemic is over. I am looking forward to both!

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